Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Facial skin care is what many men do not bother about, not knowing that it is indeed very important. Men have 15% more oilier skin than women do, which leads to them developing skin disorders like acne, wrinkles, blemishes, etc. Follow the steps mentioned below for appropriate skin care.

Cleanse, tone and moisturize your face on a daily basis. Men with very oily skin should use a soap-free cleanser and a face gel, instead of a moisturizer. A moisturizer that contains clay properties can also be used.

Use a face scrub at least twice a week, to exfoliate the skin off dead skin cells, blackheads and white heads. Follow it up with a homemade face pack.

Always use a sun protection lotion or a sunscreen when moving about in the sun, to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays.

Prior to shaving, wash your face with a soap-free face wash, wet the beard with warm water and let it soak well for a minute or two. Apply the shaving cream in equal proportions and use one that contains vitamin E or aloe vera, as it would be less harsh on your skin. After shaving, use an after-shave toner and follow it up with some moisturizer.

Visit a salon once a month to get a face clean-up done. This will rid you of unwanted black heads, clogged skin pores and pimples. Do not hesitate to get an occasional salon facial or homemade facial done.


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