Cleanse, tone and moisturize your face on a daily basis. Men with very oily skin should use a soap-free cleanser and a face gel, instead of a moisturizer. A moisturizer that contains clay properties can also be used.
Use a face scrub at least twice a week, to exfoliate the skin off dead skin cells, blackheads and white heads. Follow it up with a homemade face pack.
Always use a sun protection lotion or a sunscreen when moving about in the sun, to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays.
Prior to shaving, wash your face with a soap-free face wash, wet the beard with warm water and let it soak well for a minute or two. Apply the shaving cream in equal proportions and use one that contains vitamin E or aloe vera, as it would be less harsh on your skin. After shaving, use an after-shave toner and follow it up with some moisturizer.
Visit a salon once a month to get a face clean-up done. This will rid you of unwanted black heads, clogged skin pores and pimples. Do not hesitate to get an occasional salon facial or homemade facial done.
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